
Decorations are the structures that provide happiness, They work similar to Cultural Buildings but provide a less amount of happiness per tile of space with a cheaper cost, They are very efficient in in the early but soon the space will be used up. Then, players have to choose the Cultural Buildings which provide a higher amount of happiness per tile of space in order to reach the demand of happiness, or to achieve enthusiastic(+20% Bonus to Gold and Supplies).

Decorations are small in size compared to Cultural Buildings; most of them occupy one tile only and some others are 2x2. Unlike other buildings, they do not need to be connected to Town Hall. Being small, they are great filler which do not require much planing of placement but are less efficient as cultural buildings.


Building Cost
Gold / Supplies
Happiness per tile
StA Tree (Stone Age) 0 / 30 1 18 18
StA Obelisk (Stone Age) 20 / 0 1 18 18
StA Memorial (Stone Age) 40 / 40 2x2 72 18
BrA Pillar* (Bronze Age) 60 Diamonds 1 57 57
BrA Flowers Stilt House 100 / 70 1 20 20
BrA Bush Thatched House 50 / 180 1 20 20
BrA Statue Teaching 120 / 120 1 21 21
BrA Hedge Brewing 140 / 140 1 22 22
IrA Victory Pillar* (Iron Age) 70 Diamonds 1 60 60
IrA Aqueduct* (Iron Age) 140 Diamonds 3x1 155 51.67
IrA Flower Tub Roof Tile Houses 140 / 150 1 21 21
IrA Monument Processions 310 / 340 1 26 26
IrA Fountain Thermae 140 / 340 1 23 23
EMA Cypress* (Early Middle Age) 80 Diamonds 1 67 67
EMA Floral Bush (Early Middle Age) 540 / 640 1 26 26
EMA Pond Economics 3300 / 3910 2x2 126 31.50
EMA Hedge with Flower Accomodations 1710 / 1430 1 29 29
HMA Gargoyle * (High Middle Age) 90 Diamonds 1 73 73
HMA Fence (High Middle Age) 2800 / 3560 1 27 27
HMA Flag Monotheism 2800 / 580 1 32 32
HMA Signpost Signposting 460 / 3560 1 32 32
HMA Lantern Medicine 1910 / 2950 1 35 35
LMA Waterspout Fountain* (Late Middle Age) 110 Diamonds 1 85 85
LMA Group of Trees Cartography 28750 / 18940 2x2 160 40
LMA Tower Ruin Intelligence 24250 / 27740 2x2 170 42.50
LMA Nautical Statue (Late Middle Age) 5070 / 1940 1 39 39
LMA Potted Plant (Late Middle Age) 7190 / 6930 1 41 41
CoA Gullinotine (Colonial Age) 11980 / 38820 2x2 193 48.3
CoA Neptune Fountain Maritime Shipping 14870 / 32230 2x2 188 47
CoA Eagle Hedge Arcade Houses 4570 / 6630 1 40 40
CoA Kite Exploration 2740 / 9710 1 48 48
CoA Ornamental Tree* Plantation 120 Diamonds 1 105 105
CoA Globe Status Trading Charters 3000 / 9710 1 50 50
CoA Peacock Hedge Country Houses 4570 / 6630 1 48 48
CoA Clock Tower Clockmaking 26740 / 26510 2x2 201 50.3
CoA Flamingo Hedge Gambrel Roof Houses 4570 / 6630 1 52 52
IndA Gas Lamp Chemical Factory 3470 / 8190 1 54 54
IndA Old Wall South Worker's Houses 10580 / 16380 2x1 109 54.5
IndA Old Wall East Boarding Houses 10580 / 16380 1x2 109 54.5
IndA Pavilion with Flowers Victorian Houses 30980 / 39820 2x2 227 56.75
IndA Fire Hydrant Infrastructure 10970 / 11990 1 60 60

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